Hey y'all!
I'm Courtney Coley, the owner of Hosanna Fitness, L.L.C. I'm so excited that you've found yourself on my site - if you're here, it probably means that you're looking to develop a more healthy lifestyle. KUDOS to you friend!
My health & fitness journey has definitely not been a linear one to say the least. I grew up playing tons of sports and never really worried about my nutrition, workout and general health rhythms. As long as my body could perform what was being asked, I was okay.
Fast-forward to college, post-grad life and navigating my 20's, I realized that my wellness took a dip. In my mind, my body & health was able to stay in tip-top shape without me putting any intention into it (aka, girl I thought I wouldn't have to move my body and I could eat whatever I wanted and still look and feel like that girl ... obviously a 0 out of 10, lol).
Now, just like you, I'm working on creating enjoyable rhythms of nutrition and fitness into my busy lifestyle.
SO, with that being said. We're in this together. My heart behind Hosanna Fitness is to provide space and services for young women like me. Women who are looking to develop healthy habits and ... get these gains!
About the business name ...
HOSANNA = adoration, praise, worship | Here at Hosanna, we embrace fitness as an act of praise.
What I've realized is that there is an aspect of Lordship to Jesus that we often miss out on, which is care for our physical bodies. I feel that we can use 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV) to anchor us in believing that we have the ability to steward our bodies well because of the Holy Spirit.
My hope is that you would leave Hosanna Fitness empowered to continue your fitness journey whether on your own, in a group, or with a trainer. I want to provide you with tools that will help you achieve your fitness goals for now and a lifetime.
Hosanna in the highest be to the one who gave us bodies in the first place!
Hosanna in the highest be to the one who will help us steward our bodies well!
Hosanna in the highest be to the one who was, is, and will always be.
Welcome, friend, to Hosanna Fitness.